quinta-feira, junho 27, 2013
Retrô - 1971 - Botafogo x Fluminense
O INSTITUTO MAIS MEMÓRIA relembra a decisão do Campeonato Carioca de 1971, controvertida, dramática e polêmica, certamente, uma das mais conturbardas da história do futebol do Rio de Janeiro.
A decisão ocorreu no dia 27 de junho de 1971 e merece uma menção, pois os personagens principais, estão vivos e podem falar sobre o lance ocorrido aos 43′ minutos da etapa final, no famoso gol de Lula.
O Botafogo formou naquele ano, o que denominou-se SELEFOGO, pois tinha os tricampeões CARLOS ALBERTO TORRES, BRITO, PAULO CÉSAR LIMA E JAIRZINHO, além de jogadores extraordinários como Ubirajara Mota, Paulo Henrique (trocado por empréstimo com Roberto Miranda com o Flamengo), Zequinha, Carlos Roberto, Nei Conceição e os promissores Osmar, Nilson Dias e Careca.
A equipe do Fluminense era a base campeã da Taça de Prata de 1970, e era treinada por Zagallo em substituição a Telê Santana que se transferira para o Atlético-MG. Destaque para Félix e Marco Antônio (tricampeões mundiais de 1970), Flávio, Denilson, Lula, Cláudio, Cafuringa, Galhardo e Assis.
segunda-feira, junho 24, 2013
Richard Matheson
Richard Matheson ficou famoso como autor de clássicos literários da ficção científica como "Eu sou a lenda" e "Amor Além da Vida", Morreu ontem aos 87 anos, informou hoje sua filha, Ali Marie Matheson, no Facebook. Tambem escreveu roteiros para as séries Alem da Imaginação e Jornada nas Estrelas. No cinema, destaco a obra-prima O Incrivel homem que Encolheu, Encurralado e A Casa da Noite Eterna. Em Twilight Zone ((além da Imaginação) é o autor do o clássico,Nightmare at 20,000 Feet , aquele em que o pobre William Shatner é aterrorizado por um demônio na asa do avião. |
Roteiro da obra prima O Homem que Encolheu |
Duel - Encurralado - drigido por Spilberg |
Outra obra fantástica: A |Casa da Noite Eterna |
Richard Matheson ficou famoso como autor de clássicos literários da ficção científica como "Eu sou a lenda" e "Amor Além da Vida", Morreu no domingo aos 87 anos, informou nesta segunda-feira sua filha, Ali Marie Matheson, no Facebook.
"Meu amado pai morreu ontem em casa rodeado de pessoas e coisas que amava. Era divertido, brilhante, carinhoso, generoso, criativo e o pai mais maravilhoso do mundo. Sentirei saudades e te amarei sempre. Sei que agora estás contente e com saúde em um lugar maravilhoso, cheio de amor e alegria", escreveu a filha de Matheson.
Os motivos de sua morte não foram revelados, mas publicações especializadas apontavam que o autor estava há tempos lutando contra uma grave doença.
A imaginação de Matheson, conhecido por humanizar tramas impossíveis e dotar de um ângulo científico grande parte de suas premissas mais sugestivas, foi um imã para Hollywood.
Seu livro "Eu sou a lenda", por exemplo, foi adaptado em três ocasiões, a última com Will Smith, em um filme de 2007 dirigido por Francis Lawrence que arrecadou quase US$ 600 milhões no mundo todo.
Nos últimos anos, Hollywood voltou a adaptar suas obras com filmes como "Gigantes de Aços" (2011), protagonizada por Hugh Jackman, e "A Caixa" (2009), com Cameron Díaz, baseadas em seus contos "Steel" e "Button, Button", respectivamente.
Matheson também se encarregou de escrever roteiros para a televisão, em séries como "Além da Imaginação" e "Jornada nas Estrelas".
quinta-feira, junho 20, 2013
Retrô - João Só

Marcelo Bulgarelli
Ele gravou dezenas de discos e muitos compactos. Mas ficou famoso por uma só música. Seu único sucesso, Menina da Ladeira, é uma constante nos flash-backs daqueles que passaram a década de 70 com um violão ao redor da fogueira.
Mas quem foi e que fim levou João Só? Sua biografia completa é um tanto difícil de encontrar. O nome dele não consta da Enciclopédia Folha de Música Popular, mas está no Dicionário Cravo Albin, na internet. João Evangelista de Melo Fortes nasceu em 1943 em Teresina (PI). Era filho caçula de uma família que já contava com 11 irmãos.
Aprendeu a tocar violão e cavaquinho como autodidata, já em Salvador. Participou, ainda na infância, de programas de rádio e passou a trabalhar como profissional aos 15 anos. Foi um artista da noite de Salvador, tocando violino, bongô e contrabaixo.
Mas foi no final da década de 60 que João Evangelista teve sua grande oportunidade na TV Aratu. Em determinado momento de um programa - segundo dados obtidos pelo Jornal do Brasil - o produtor David Raw perguntou qual era o seu nome e ele respondeu: É João, só. E o nome ficou.
O cantor Miltinho o levou para a gravadora Odeon. João Evangelista já respondia pelo nome de ?João Só? quando gravou Menina da ladeira. Foi um sucesso estrondoso. Shows, televisão, rádio. Só tocava João Só.
O compositor ainda gravou, em 1972, um disco na Argentina, ao lado de Paulo Diniz (autor do mega-sucesso ?Eu Quero Voltar pra Bahia?). Mas o sucesso de Menina da Ladeira não refletiu nos discos posteriores.
Passou, então, a se dedicar a shows em São Paulo até regressar para Salvador. Um infarto em 20 de junho de 1992 tirou a vida de João Só. Morreu ao lado da família.
Menina da Ladeira
Bm7 E7 A
Menina que mora na ladeira
Bm7 E7 A
E desce a ladeira sem parar
Bm7 E7 A
Debaixo do pé da laranjeira
Bm7 E7 A
Se senta pra poder descansar (BIS)
Silêncio profundo a menina dormiu
Alguém que esperava tão logo partiu, partiu
Gm D
Partiu para sempre para o infinito
Dm E
Um grito ouviu
Bm7 E7 A
Chorando levanta a menina
Bm7 E7 A
Correndo ligeiro sem parar
Bm7 E7 A
Debaixo do pé da laranjeira
Bm7 E7 A
Há sempre alguém a esperar
Violeiro tocando, estrela a brilhar
Violeiro em prece
Em prece ao luar, luar
Gm D
Tal noite vazia espere a menina
Dm E
Tão linda não, não vá
Bm7 E7 A
Chorando levanta a menina
Bm7 E7 A
Correndo ligeiro sem parar
{Assa, passa passa}
Bm7 E7 A
Debaixo do pé da laranjeira
Bm7 E7 A
Há sempre alguém a esperar
Bm7 E7 A
Debaixo do pé da laranjeira
Bm7 E7 A
quarta-feira, junho 19, 2013
segunda-feira, junho 17, 2013
Quem diria: eu participei do "Fora Collor" e descobri tal matéria na internet.
O autor é Silvio Barsetti, do Estadão, amigão dos tempos da faculdade.A matéria foi publicada no Estado de S. Paulo em 7 de setembro de 1992
Apesar do mau tempo, cariocas vão às ruas pedir impeachment
RIO-A chuva atrapalhou, mas não impediu centenas de pessoas de participarem de uma passeata pelos bairros de Copacabana, Leme e Ipanema, Zona Sul do Rio, exigindo o impeachment do presidente Fernando Collor. A partir das 11h30 a manifestação, organizada pelo Movimento pela Ética Na Política, percorreu as Avenidas Atlântica e Vieira Souto. (...)Nas janelas de muitos prédios, faixas e panos pretos. Por causa da temperatura, oscilando entre 15 e 17 graus, as roupas pretas foram escondidas por agasalhos grossos e guarda-chuvas multicoloridos. "Na chuva! Na rua! O luto continua", gritavam os mais exaltados. No Posto 6, em Copacabana, os manifestantes fizeram um minuto de silêncio "em memória ao governo Collor". Junto com cabos eleitorais, desfilavam os candidatos à prefeitura do Rio, Benedita da Silva (PT), Técio Lins e Silva (PST) e Homero de Souza (PFS). O radialista Marcelo Bulgarelli, 28 anos, rasgou o talão de cheques e pregou a renúncia de Collor. "O que ele fez com a Nação merece nosso repúdio; estou indignado. "Em Ipanema, foram recolhidas assinaturas em favor do impeachment e contra o voto secreto na Câmara. O abaixo-assinado será entregue ao Congresso no dia da votação.
domingo, junho 16, 2013
sexta-feira, junho 14, 2013
Humberto Werneck
Noite muito proveitosa com o escritor e jornalista Humberto Werneck
O escritor Humberto Werneck esteve no dia 12 de junho no SESC Maringá para uma\conversa informal sobre jornalismo e cronica. Werneck, um dos maiores conhecedores e praticantes desse grande gênero literário “menor”, tão querido pelos leitores brasileiros. Por que a crônica se estabeleceu tão firmemente no Brasil? O que a caracteriza e o que vem mudando nela com a passagem das décadas? Quais suas origens, seus maiores nomes, seus representantes contemporâneos? E os jornais, estão dando à crônica o espaço merecido? O que faz de um alguém um ótimo cronista?
Werneck nasceu em Belo Horizonte (MG), em 1945. Mudou-se para São Paulo (SP) em 1970. Escritor, biógrafo e cronista, é autor de livros como Esse inferno vai acabar, O espalhador de passarinhos, O Pai dos burros, O Santo Sujo - A Vida de Jaime Ovalle, O destino da rapaziada e Pequenos Fantasmas. Jornalista, começou Carreira no Suplemento Literário de Minas Gerais. Depois, passou pelas redações de Veja, Jornal da República, IstoÉ, jornal do Brasil, Elle e Playboy, e foi correspondente do Jornal da tarde em Paris. Atualmente, publica crônicas no Estado de S. Paulo e no site Vida Breve.
O escritor Humberto Werneck esteve no dia 12 de junho no SESC Maringá para uma\conversa informal sobre jornalismo e cronica. Werneck, um dos maiores conhecedores e praticantes desse grande gênero literário “menor”, tão querido pelos leitores brasileiros. Por que a crônica se estabeleceu tão firmemente no Brasil? O que a caracteriza e o que vem mudando nela com a passagem das décadas? Quais suas origens, seus maiores nomes, seus representantes contemporâneos? E os jornais, estão dando à crônica o espaço merecido? O que faz de um alguém um ótimo cronista?
Werneck nasceu em Belo Horizonte (MG), em 1945. Mudou-se para São Paulo (SP) em 1970. Escritor, biógrafo e cronista, é autor de livros como Esse inferno vai acabar, O espalhador de passarinhos, O Pai dos burros, O Santo Sujo - A Vida de Jaime Ovalle, O destino da rapaziada e Pequenos Fantasmas. Jornalista, começou Carreira no Suplemento Literário de Minas Gerais. Depois, passou pelas redações de Veja, Jornal da República, IstoÉ, jornal do Brasil, Elle e Playboy, e foi correspondente do Jornal da tarde em Paris. Atualmente, publica crônicas no Estado de S. Paulo e no site Vida Breve.
domingo, junho 09, 2013
AMICUS: HOUSE OF HORRORS (2012) - heartfelt fan-made documentary
AMICUS: HOUSE OF HORRORS (2012) - heartfelt fan-made documentary:
Attempting to document the famous horror studio
For British horror films of the 1960s and 1970s, Amicus Productions rivalled Hammer films by taking a different approach with considerable success. Amicus brought horror to mostly modern day settings, like the living rooms of The Skull, the film studios of Madhouse, the high-tech werewolf hunt of The Beast Must Die... They also monopolised on the 'portmanteau' horror, a film made up of short sharp shocks, held together by a linking story - Dr Terror's House of Horror's lead to the first EC Comics adaptions of Tales From The Crypt, Vault of Horror and beyond to Tales That Witness Madness and The Monster Club.
Strangely, the company started and ended with child-scary family adventures, from Dr Who and the Daleks to Warlords of Atlantis. Amicus made a lasting impression on several generations of filmgoers and late night TV horror fans.
On a limited budget, writer and director Derek Pykett has made dozens of interviews on home video around England. But looks like he was unable to pay for any expensive archive materials to portray a more complete story with behind the scenes footage, movie clips or old interviews. Instead he gives us some valuable time with many surviving cast and crew members who worked on the films.
I wish he'd spent a little more time on editing and deciding on a target audience. The running time is unnecessarily inflated by introducing many extremely familiar plots and people. Worse still, by repeating facts and introductions as if we've not been paying attention. His pieces to camera are also very downbeat, as he repeatedly reminds us who's dead, in stark contrast to the many chirpy interviewees who remember the good times they had while they colleagues were alive.
The variable sound levels also make this contrast with the flashy DVD extras that we're used to on special editions.
No-one else has got these interviews or even some of the interviewees that he has here. No one's bothered to go this far down the cast list and persuaded the directors and cameramen to talk about these almost forgotten films.
This could have been slicker, and a bigger budget could have pulled in better interviews and bigger names, Christopher Lee and Stephanie Beacham are absent. But there are no other Amicus documentaries out there anywhere!
It starts a little confusingly by introducing Milton Subotsky and Max Rosenberg, the two producers who started Amicus. But then fast-forwards through the whole story of Amicus by telling us their entire life stories upto their deaths. Making me think the whole documentary was going to be a series of biographies all told in voiceover...
The style then settles down with a great remembrance from Milton Subotsky's widow who thankfully has great recall about his heyday. Then we get into the main meat of the programme, split over two discs, an exhaustive film-by-film account of the entire Amicus filmography, related by an impressive roster of surviving cast and crew members.
I was particularly pleased to see interviews with Geoffrey Bayldon (Asylum, Tales From The Crypt, The House That Dripped Blood), indeed he introduces it. Also a pleasure to see Angela Pleasence (a stark presence in From Beyond The Grave) who's still out there working!
Actors who only appeared in one scene in one Amicus film are also delightful, partly because someone else remembers their characters as vividly as I do. Angela Grant as Ian Hendry's girlfriend in Tales From The Crypt is famous (to me) because I've seen it so often, and the shocking scenes that she's in. It's surprising just how much insightful material can come from someone who worked with Amicus so briefly.
Some are character actors who were more famous for their non-horror roles, like Jeremy Kemp (Dr Terror's House of Horrors) who regularly appeared as German commanders. Kenny Lynch (also Dr Terror) and Geoffrey Davies (Vault of Horror, above) were far better known for light entertainment and will only otherwise be recognised by those who remember 1970s' TV.
Crew members include production designers, cameramen and a couple of directors, like Kevin Connor (From Beyond The Grave, The Land That Time Forgot) and Stephen Weeks (I, Monster). There are of course many other interviewees and even a couple of visits to filming locations.
Director and voiceover Derek Pykett keeps appearing to fill in gaps in the timeline where he has no relevant interviewees, most annoyingly on my favourite, Tales From The Crypt, giving the first of a seemingly endless, dour reminder of how wonderful Peter Cushing was and reminding us that he's dead. I'll forgive him all this because Derek also wrote this invaluable paperback guide, British Horror Film Locations.
I won't forgive that Derek skips over the Amicus monster movies far too quickly, even though he's interviewed their director, Kevin Connor. The Land That Time Forgot, The People That Time Forgot, At The Earth's Core, and Warlords of Atlantis are scarcely covered. They were the few Amicus films that I saw at the cinema and indeed the only ones I was allowed to see at the time. They were also a large part of Amicus' success in the 1970s, and just as much a part of producer Milton Subotsky's love affair with fantastic literature.
So, after the extended run through most of the Amicus filmography, it then circles a little randomly for a while with another downbeat Cushing tribute and some leftover bits of interviews to try and sum up.
For enthusiasts who know these films and recognise these actors from relatively small roles, this is a treat. But it's a rough introduction to the subject, with not enough enticingly presented clips (just trailers) or thorough enough background, to please newcomers.
While many of us are more than aware of how the death of his wife severely affected him, it's rare to see Peter talking about it at any length. And rather than being overly sentimental, he remains composed, self-deprecating and even humorous about what was a disastrous and prolonged grieving process of nearly thirteen years! He admits he tried to kill himself. Too cowardly to throw himself into the sea, he ran back home and tried to bring on a heart attack by running up and down the stairs! Which is quite an admission, that he treats with a smile. To slowly get over Helen's death, he threw himself into work and said yes to any and all offers.
The second is a 1983 interview, with a young inexperienced interviewer who Peter politely but occasionally catches out. This was crucially filmed just at the end of his 13-year exile from the public. Perhaps it's Peter easing himself back into talking about things. This is a slightly more guarded interview, but reveals he actually doesn't like watching horror films! He prefers war, drama, comedy, westerns. Though he makes a point of gratefully acknowledging the horror fans who enjoy his work. He only watches his rushes but not his films.
Amicus: House of Horrors is only sold in the US, but the DVDs aren't region-coded. They can be bought direct from Oldies.com in the US, or you can easily get them via Amazon.co.uk, if you're in Britain.
The DVD set makes a great companion to this similarly covered Little Shoppe of Horrors' magazine recent Amicus special.
See many more of the classic Amicus movie posters here at The Wrong Side of the Art.
(2012, UK)
Attempting to document the famous horror studio
For British horror films of the 1960s and 1970s, Amicus Productions rivalled Hammer films by taking a different approach with considerable success. Amicus brought horror to mostly modern day settings, like the living rooms of The Skull, the film studios of Madhouse, the high-tech werewolf hunt of The Beast Must Die... They also monopolised on the 'portmanteau' horror, a film made up of short sharp shocks, held together by a linking story - Dr Terror's House of Horror's lead to the first EC Comics adaptions of Tales From The Crypt, Vault of Horror and beyond to Tales That Witness Madness and The Monster Club.
Strangely, the company started and ended with child-scary family adventures, from Dr Who and the Daleks to Warlords of Atlantis. Amicus made a lasting impression on several generations of filmgoers and late night TV horror fans.
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Geoffrey Whitehead from And Now The Screaming Starts |
I wish he'd spent a little more time on editing and deciding on a target audience. The running time is unnecessarily inflated by introducing many extremely familiar plots and people. Worse still, by repeating facts and introductions as if we've not been paying attention. His pieces to camera are also very downbeat, as he repeatedly reminds us who's dead, in stark contrast to the many chirpy interviewees who remember the good times they had while they colleagues were alive.
The variable sound levels also make this contrast with the flashy DVD extras that we're used to on special editions.
No-one else has got these interviews or even some of the interviewees that he has here. No one's bothered to go this far down the cast list and persuaded the directors and cameramen to talk about these almost forgotten films.
This could have been slicker, and a bigger budget could have pulled in better interviews and bigger names, Christopher Lee and Stephanie Beacham are absent. But there are no other Amicus documentaries out there anywhere!
The style then settles down with a great remembrance from Milton Subotsky's widow who thankfully has great recall about his heyday. Then we get into the main meat of the programme, split over two discs, an exhaustive film-by-film account of the entire Amicus filmography, related by an impressive roster of surviving cast and crew members.
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Angela Pleasence and father in From Beyond The Grave |
Actors who only appeared in one scene in one Amicus film are also delightful, partly because someone else remembers their characters as vividly as I do. Angela Grant as Ian Hendry's girlfriend in Tales From The Crypt is famous (to me) because I've seen it so often, and the shocking scenes that she's in. It's surprising just how much insightful material can come from someone who worked with Amicus so briefly.
Some are character actors who were more famous for their non-horror roles, like Jeremy Kemp (Dr Terror's House of Horrors) who regularly appeared as German commanders. Kenny Lynch (also Dr Terror) and Geoffrey Davies (Vault of Horror, above) were far better known for light entertainment and will only otherwise be recognised by those who remember 1970s' TV.
Crew members include production designers, cameramen and a couple of directors, like Kevin Connor (From Beyond The Grave, The Land That Time Forgot) and Stephen Weeks (I, Monster). There are of course many other interviewees and even a couple of visits to filming locations.
Director and voiceover Derek Pykett keeps appearing to fill in gaps in the timeline where he has no relevant interviewees, most annoyingly on my favourite, Tales From The Crypt, giving the first of a seemingly endless, dour reminder of how wonderful Peter Cushing was and reminding us that he's dead. I'll forgive him all this because Derek also wrote this invaluable paperback guide, British Horror Film Locations.
I won't forgive that Derek skips over the Amicus monster movies far too quickly, even though he's interviewed their director, Kevin Connor. The Land That Time Forgot, The People That Time Forgot, At The Earth's Core, and Warlords of Atlantis are scarcely covered. They were the few Amicus films that I saw at the cinema and indeed the only ones I was allowed to see at the time. They were also a large part of Amicus' success in the 1970s, and just as much a part of producer Milton Subotsky's love affair with fantastic literature.
So, after the extended run through most of the Amicus filmography, it then circles a little randomly for a while with another downbeat Cushing tribute and some leftover bits of interviews to try and sum up.
For enthusiasts who know these films and recognise these actors from relatively small roles, this is a treat. But it's a rough introduction to the subject, with not enough enticingly presented clips (just trailers) or thorough enough background, to please newcomers.
But there's more good stuff in the DVD extras! Also included are two rare archive interviews with Peter Cushing! The first is from 1990, and both are introduced by the interviewers as they are today.
While many of us are more than aware of how the death of his wife severely affected him, it's rare to see Peter talking about it at any length. And rather than being overly sentimental, he remains composed, self-deprecating and even humorous about what was a disastrous and prolonged grieving process of nearly thirteen years! He admits he tried to kill himself. Too cowardly to throw himself into the sea, he ran back home and tried to bring on a heart attack by running up and down the stairs! Which is quite an admission, that he treats with a smile. To slowly get over Helen's death, he threw himself into work and said yes to any and all offers.
The second is a 1983 interview, with a young inexperienced interviewer who Peter politely but occasionally catches out. This was crucially filmed just at the end of his 13-year exile from the public. Perhaps it's Peter easing himself back into talking about things. This is a slightly more guarded interview, but reveals he actually doesn't like watching horror films! He prefers war, drama, comedy, westerns. Though he makes a point of gratefully acknowledging the horror fans who enjoy his work. He only watches his rushes but not his films.
The DVD set makes a great companion to this similarly covered Little Shoppe of Horrors' magazine recent Amicus special.
See many more of the classic Amicus movie posters here at The Wrong Side of the Art.
quinta-feira, junho 06, 2013
quarta-feira, junho 05, 2013
domingo, junho 02, 2013
Cannes 1969
Da série fotos históricas: Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda e Jack Nicholson em Cannes promovendo ‘Easy Rider’, 1969.