A foto do meu irmão Marcio Bulgarelli ficou entre as melhores no "Photo Challenge" do mês de setembro, promovido pelo blog do Mr. Graham Houghton.
Obteve o terceiro lugar, empatado com a escocesa Lynda Hood que postou uma foto muito bacana.
This is a great character study by Márcio and his conversion of the image to monotone accentuates the tonal range of this image which would be lost in the original was in colour. I like the way Márcio has cropped in tightly to keep our attention focussed on the guitar player. Nice control of the depth of field to ensure the head of the guitar and the man playing it are pin sharp. I know Márcio wanted to further blur the background more but limited knowledge in the editing program he was using didn't work out too well. In the edits you will see how I carried out this to further isolate the subject from the background. Excellent work Márcio.